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How to Color Your Hair

On average, at any one time, two-thirds of women and one-third of men are coloring their hair.

Hair coloring is a common phenomenon that is practiced because of fashion trends, restore natural hair color or to hide gray hair. Hair coloring products can either be synthetic or natural. Henna, Indigo, berries, crushed walnuts and many herbs have been using as substances for coloring hair.

Red Colored HairHow does hair coloring work?

Everyone is born with a specific hair color, and that natural color is because of the hair pigment called melanin. Melanin is found in the middle layer of hair called cortex. Hair coloring works by coating the cuticle with the color molecules (temporary hair color), by adding the color molecules to the cuticle (semi-permanent hair color) or by adding the color molecules to the hair cortex (permanent hair color).

What does affect hair color?

Hair coloring is affected by the hair type. Coarse hair takes more time for color absorption due to large diameter, and fine hair takes comparatively less time for absorbing the colors due to the small diameter. Dry, damaged or permed hair may absorb color quickly. Coloring your hair can make it more voluminous and easier to style. Any time you change your hair color, it changes your hair texture.

How to Color your Hair?

Coloring your hair can be easier and simpler if you follow some simple steps:

Choose the color– It is always advisable to consult hair stylist or hair colorist for making the right choice of color. The trend of colors changes every year. Choosing the hair color involves many factors based on an analysis of your natural hair color, eye color and also skin tone. An expert hair colorist will help you finding the best color for you.

Select hair color product– A shade of color is made up of different combination of reflection of the pigments that’s why hair color looks different under sunlight and fluorescent light. Your choice of hair color product depends on what you are trying to accomplish and how long you want your color to last.

Don’t be overwhelmed by the hundreds of different hair color products on the shelves. Follow your hair colorist advice.

Get Organized– You will need a few supplies to get organized for hair coloring:

  1. Plastic gloves (usually provided with kit)
  2. Hair clip
  3. Wide-toothed comb
  4. Brush
  5. Vaseline
  6. Old towel

Coloring Your Hair

light hair color

  • Set the towel around the neck before to begin.
  • Apply Vaseline to your skin all around your hairline to protect your skin from getting colored.
  • Mix the color by following the directions mentioned in the box. Use a comb to separate the hair into four directions. Start applying color by taking a smaller subsection from one of the four sections. To make sure the color is thoroughly worked through your hair, don’t use big of a section.
  • Begin with the roots and work your way down and outward and piling your hair on the top of your head. For this purpose, hair clips or pins can be used.
  • Follow the instructions mentioned in the box and wait for 25 to 45 minutes for the color to work. Wash your hair with fresh water after your color has processed.

Things to consider while coloring your hair

  • Don’t make it permanent. With varying trends; you may want to go with the new color in the next season. If you are coloring your hair for the first time or trying a shade that is little different, you should go for a temporary or semi-permanent hair color.
  • It is recommended not to wash your hair the day you are going to color. Freshly washed hair is lacking the oils needed to absorb the color. Experts suggest, wash your hair 24 to 48 hours before applying hair color.
  • After you color your hair, you must adjust your shampoo and conditioner for proper maintenance. Make sure to go for hair products that are made for color treated hair. The daily use of ultra restorative shampoo and conditioner will help flatten the cuticle and make the hair shine.
  • Sun protection is must to preserve your hair color. Use hats, scarves or UV protection sprays. Otherwise, your hair color can dull a lot quicker than if it will fade naturally.

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